Monday, February 13, 2012

Story Time

Once upon a time, Saturday night, i took a magical trip
ok im going to not tell it in storybook terms.
actually i'll tell it in pictures.
This, this is my car.
not technically, its just a picture of the car i have,
 not really the same car exactly but you understand.
ok so Saturday night i took my best friend Brittany, 
^ this is a creepy picture of her and i 
anways we drove to another town we'll call 
to pick up our dearest friend,
^this is her.
So we picked her up and went to a town called,
we'll just call it Stinky because that's what it is
so we go to movies and see. . .
now we went to this but only because we would have had to 
drive an hour to see what we wanted to see!
which was this!
oh! how i wanted to see it!! o well we'll go next weekend perhaps.
so after the movie im driving Julia home and get all confused because Anrelmo-Merma has stupid lane problems, then i took a quick turn because i was trying to get to her house and realized i had almost missed the turn, and it just so happens that i forgot to put on my blinker.
well then i see this.
it could only mean one thing obviously.
so i stop the car and get my license and registration
now this is my first time ever being stopped by a cop!
so im freaking out.
and im still 17 and technically can't be driving with two friends that aren't family members.
so he gets to my vehicle. . .
(this is me except not a guy, and it was dark, and i wasn't smiling, and he had a flashlight)
and asks me  
why i think im being pulled over.
im in shock so he answers for me,
"you failed to put on a blinker, and you were swerving, and took that corner pretty quickly"
so i apologize, and he says
"why don't you come sit with me in my vehicle"
now my hearts beating and im scared to death, 
i have never in my life heard of a cop telling someone to go sit in a vehicle with them!
so as im getting out and leaving my best friends behind, a million thoughts race through my  mind,
-what if this isn't a cop?
-what if he's a kidnapper?
-or worse?
i have a very active imagination and im really making myself sick over this.
but i do as im told and sit with him in his vehicle
now imagine him ^ there and me, well right ^ there.
then he proceeds to question me.
-where have you been tonight?
-what have you been doing tonight?
-how old are you?
-what grade you in?
-who are those girls in the vehicle?
i was literally about to pee on his nice policeman seat!
and i wouldn't have cared!
so then he radios in my ID and stuff and idk exactly what happened 
then he told me to stay here while he went and got my friends' IDs 
he came back and made me identify each of them and explain a lot more things.
and finally after about 20 minutes of interrogation he let me go with a verbal warning
what the heck!? 
20 minutes to remind me to use a blinker!? 
now i was late for curfew and scared out of my mind!
when i returned to my car, my friends were freakin out
and Brittany actually made herself sick over it and almost threw up.
it was horrible and i was in shock for most the way home.
it sucked.
but at least i have a halfway decent story out of it...
stupid cop.


  1. Woah what a crazy story, I would have been super scared too! I hate it when I get pulled over for a random breath test, even if I haven't been drinking I freak out!

    1. well im glad im not the only one that would freak out! lol
