Monday, March 21, 2016

the one about the Provo City Center Temple

I'm in awe as I think about the magnificence of the new Provo City Center Temple. There are simply no words to fully describe it's beauty! I consider myself so fortunate and blessed that I live here in Provo the same time as the open house and dedication. Before the fire, the Provo Tabernacle had served as a stake center for many here in Utah Valley. It has a unique history and stands as a reminder of the heritage of the pioneers and the work and faith put into building Zion in Provo. In December 2010 the loved tabernacle caught fire and all but the outer shell was lost. Months later President Monson announced it would be rebuilt with full preservation and restoration to be the 2nd temple in Provo. I never had any attachment to the tabernacle nor did the announcement effect me much until I moved and transferred to BYU. Now, I live within the new Provo City Center Temple district and I am completely in love with it. There once was an article in the Ensign of how the building itself is a parable of our lives. Our Heavenly Father has created us and loves us for who we are but wants us to become perfected. The tabernacle was beautiful and served its purpose well but Heavenly Father had more in store for it. Now being a House of the Lord it can bring many more on both sides of the veil to Christ. Sometimes it feels as though we are being completely burned from the inside out, that we are living in the refiner's fire. In time we will recognize the reasons for our perfect Father's plan and we will know His purposes. We have so much potential and must go through difficult things to reach it but it will always be worth it in the end. For we are sons and daughters of the Most High God.

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