Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bad News...

1. I am sick
2. We didn't make it to State Play Production, missed it by one point
3. I'll be sick for my first basketball game on friday
4. I've only had about four hours of sleep the last two nights
5. This cough will be the death of me

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday's Picture Mass



I love Calvin and HObbes! Seriously, I own every comic book that was published I think.


Here are some more meaningful ones. (:

Last three are created by Alecia Paxton! I love her!

Friday, November 25, 2011

I Bleed Husker Red

I am a husker fan. Always have been. Always will. Today I went to the last home football game of the year. Nebraska fans are amazing. We are very passionate about our team whether they are going strong or fading slowly. True till the end. Today was the 318th consecutive sellout, which started in 1962! Memorial Stadium is truly called the "Sea of Red". Let me explain myself.

Feast your eyes upon Husker Nation.

 I'm so proud to be a Husker. I'm so excited to start college at UNL next year (at least that's where I think I'm going but that's a different story.)
P.S. a little fun fact: During a Husker football game Memorial Stadium actually becomes the 3rd largest "city" in Nebraska behind Omaha and Lincoln itself!
.:forever a husker:.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Day to be Thankful

I am so Blessed.
I have been blessed with an amazing Family.
I have been blessed with the Gospel.
I have been blessed with the best of Friends.
I have been blessed to be born in this Country.
I have been blessed with a Beautiful Life.
And because of that I am so Thankful. 
Who do I appreciate?
 My amazing family! They mean so much to me and I wouldn't be who I am today without their constant love and guidance.
How am I fortunate?
I'm so fortunate to be born in to the Gospel. It has changed my life in so many ways. If I wouldn't have grown up living it, I don't know how I would be or act. 
What material possessions am I thankful for?
My phone, my ipod, my computer (internet), my scriptures, my CTR ring, and patriarchal blessing. 
What abilities do I have that I'm grateful for?
I'm grateful for my athletic abilities, I don't know what I would do without my sports. I'm thankful for confidence and my common sense (daddy wouldn't think I have any, but I think I do hehe)
What about my surroundings (home/neighborhood/city/etc.) am I thankful for?
I'm so thankful for my small village, population: 340. It's a great town with wonderful people to grow up with. I love it here and so grateful to call it home. 
What experiences have I had that I am grateful for?
I don't have any one experience that has changed my life, but every experience happens for a reason. So I'm thankful for every experience that I have gone through. Without each of them I wouldn't be who I am. 
What happened today/yesterday/this week/this month/this year that I am grateful for?
I am so grateful for the close relationship I have with my family. Playing games with them and dancing around the house made me realize that yet again. =) 
What opportunities do I have that I am thankful for?
I have the opportunity to be involved in many extra-curricular activities at school. I'm involved in volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, track (which I despise), speech, play production, and band. Each provides amazing experiences for me, and I'm thankful I can be apart of them.  
What have others in my life done that I am thankful for?
I'm so thankful for every person who has played a part in my life. Whether it was teaching me, helping me, or loving me, they have made a huge impact on me. 
What have others done that I am benefiting from in my life (even if I don't know who those people are)?
I can't think of anyone better than Joseph Smith. His faith and courage as a boy restored the true church back to the earth. The word benefiting definitely doesn't describe how much I need the Gospel.
What relationships am I thankful for?
As I said, I'm thankful for my relationship with my family. But I'm equally thankful for my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I'm so blessed to know who I am, where I came from, and where I'm going. I know that I'm his daughter which makes me a princess. And I know that he loves me more than words can describe, and I love Him. 
What am I taking for granted that, if I stop to think about it, I am grateful for?
I always take for granted the country I live in and the freedoms I have. I don't think many people actually realize how blessed we, as Americans, are here to live in the land of the free and home of the brave. 
What is different today than it was a year ago that I'm thankful for?
The year has provided another 365 days of lessons for me to learn from and I'm so thankful for each one of them.
  I found these questions and thought it would be fun to fill out on Thanksgiving. It was. =)
It reminded me of my many blessings.
I love my life.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dreadful Calculus

At this point in time I should be studying for a calculus test tomorrow. This year, my senior year, I decided to take a college dual-credit calculus course. Which means I get the credit for High School and my grade transfers to which ever college I go to too, so I don't have to  take college calculus again! Its hard. Our teacher is a strict strict man. But he's kinda fun too. Anyways....our good ol' teacher is named Bob Lee (Mr. Lee). But do you know what I realized today?? His name is only 1 syllable away from being Bob Marley! Which means he's only a syllable away from being as awesome as Bob Marley! We all know how epic Bob Marley is, and thinking my teacher is that close in ranking of awesomeness, now that's kinda neat/cool/sweet.
Let me refresh your memory on this awesomespice (love BBL's lingo!) dude.

Well...although I really enjoy comparing my college calculus teacher to Bob Marley, I really must study. This was fun though. More next time.
P.S. Outside of the classroom I like saying Mr. Lee's name quickly so it's more like Bobley. Instead of Bob Lee. Which is also almost spelled like Marley.
Wish me luck on this test/long-quiz-like-thing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

There's a Reason

I've been thinking about the fact; everything happens for a reason. There isn't one thing that isn't supposed to happen. If it happens, it's meant to be and there is a life lesson to learn from it. Every beautiful surprise and spontaneous mess has a purpose.
This reminds me of my very favorite scripture: D&C 122:5-9
Please Read.
My daddy (yes, I still call him daddy <3) showed me this scripture the night after my baptism when I received my very own scriptures. It's been my favorite scripture ever since. =)
No matter how hard is. Life is wonderful.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A New Tradition

So I came up with an idea. On Sundays I'm going to post some or all of the pictures or videos that made me laugh, smile, or just the ones I liked throughout the week. I also may include a different post. But I think the Sunday's Picture Tradition is a good idea. So I'll start now.

This one made me crack up!!

That's horrible, but oh so funny!

I'm kinda slow so it took me awhile but as soon as I saw it
I was laughing for 5 minutes straight!


This is exactly what my friends say I look like!

Never have I agreed with a Picture more.

That's all for today! Hope they made you smile like they did me! haha!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Not so good with blood

I have never dealt with blood well. Ever since I was little I have gotten dizzy at the sight of blood. Actually not just dizzy I actually faint at the sight of blood. Or at least I used to. Now I can deal with it for the most part. I have quite a few instances in which I have fainted because of blood. Let me share some of my stories. . .

1. The first one that I personally remember was when I was about six years old. I had cut my second to last toe on a piece of glass outside and went in to clean it up. I remember trying to clean the blood off and clean it with hydrogen peroxide. This is when I started getting dizzy and all of sudden I hit the floor. haha! I remember having a dream about Mickey Mouse surfing! I don't know why I would dream about that but I did.

2. In 2nd grade I was getting my books out of my book-bag and I had cut my thumb on my book-bag! Don't ask me how I did that I Do Not Know! I went back to my desk and as we were saying the Pledge I just plopped right to the ground. I looked down at my bleeding thumb. Not a good idea. haha

3. Another time was when I was in 6th grade and I was reading a book. Yes it's true I fainted because of a book! This girl in the book was hit by a car and it explained her cuts and that did not work well with my imagination! I remember putting the book down because I was dizzy and I woke up to my classmate hovered over me with a stupid look on his face! (I don't know why he didn't tell the teacher!) I fell out of my chair! So I sat back up in my chair but I felt so weak. It's the strangest feeling, fainting. I couldn't lift my arms up very high, so I took a break and went and got some water.

4. When I was 12 my cousin, sister, and I were in the bathroom cleaning some blood up. I started getting dizzy so I told them I had to leave. I started walking out of the bathroom and when I reached the hallway everything got very blurry. I turned back knowing I would soon faint and wouldn't be close to anyone unless I reached the bathroom. Just like a movie, as I reached for the handle I fainted and fell flat on my face! I wish it could have been video taped because it would have been so funny to see. I woke up not knowing what happened, I soon remembered and stood up. I weakly told my family to unlock the bathroom. They only believed me because of my split lip and white face!

5. In seminary class one morning my teacher was talking about blessings. She told us a story about one of her sons who needed an I.V. as a baby but a vein wasn't being found. She said how the nurse found one on his head that they could reach. Well with my vivid imagination I pictured all this disgusting stuff with this vein. I put my head on the table and whispered "I don't feel so well." The next thing I was on the floor with 6 people crowding me. Apparently I flung my arms back, hitting my cousin, and fell off the backless bench hitting my head on the hardwood floor.

6. My parents were watching the movie The Bucket List on Netflix one night and so I went over and sat next to them and started watching. Well there is one seen when Morgan Freeman's character gets blood all over his shirt and what do ya know? I started getting dizzy. Being very experienced in the fainting career, I knew it was coming. I told mom "Mom Mom Mom Mom I'm gonna faint, I'm gonna faint, I'm gonna faint, I'm gon---" In mid-sentence I landed on my mom's lap out for a few seconds. I can only imagine it being very entertaining. haha

7. The most recent was last night at the Breaking Dawn movie. I should've known how bloody it was going to be. Luckily, I didn't pass out just got very close to it.  My friend forced my head down so I wasn't able to see. It was definitely coming though. Too bad I didn't, I could've added another funny fainting incident to the list if I would've.

So there's a few of my entertaining fainting stories. Hope you enjoyed my faintings as much as my family and, well not me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I am sorry but I can not contain my excitement anymore! This is definitely blog-worthy! Tomorrow night I get to see Breaking Dawn! ahh! Now you may wonder why I didn't go to the midnight premiere like I have the last 3 years in a row!? Well I'll tell you why! Because the sweet man I call father has forbidden me to! Curse him!! I suppose his reasoning was alright. I mean yes both my parents are gone for the week, and yes true I am babysitting my 3 younger siblings while they are both away, and I guess it is midnight which means I wouldn't get back untill...well 3 a.m. and yes I do have seminary class in the morning at 5:15 which I need to drive 15 miles to get to, may I add with horrendous pests called deer attempting to take away my precious life by jumping onto the rode in order to be hit by my beautiful red car going the speed of 60 mph! Urgh!...Okay, so maybe Pops knew it was better for me not to go tonight (or tomorrow morning?) But that doesn't mean your horrible act will be left out of my blog O' Sweet Father!

Anyway...I will wait till tomorrow to see the amazing film!
Also to add to my excitement, the other day Hunger Games trailer came out!!! ahhh!!
If you haven't read this book you better get on it before March!!!

So the book is AMAZING!!! ahh! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! and now if my freaking out about it hasn't persuaded you to read it yet now watch the trailer to the magnificent book!
May I now have a moment to freak out again?
Okay thank you.
That it is all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hours Well Spent

I love late night conversations! I love talking for hours with someone. Whether it's my sister laying in bed, my best friend in the car, or my boyfriend on the phone. I love talking about anything and everything. It's funny how you can just start one story or one topic and it leads to a huge conversation. Or a thousand mini conversations! I can't even count how many times I've stayed up till 3-4 a.m. lying in bed next to my sister talking about who knows what.
My best friend and I stay after each school event to sit on top of my car just to chat or vent to each other. It's a grand time. (: I think we have talked about every subject known to man (ok not quite). 
Phone calls are also great.
I don't think anyone could hate just talking for hours with someday they care about. I mean, it's such a fun time haha. It just brings a smile to my face! And that's all for now. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Oh basketball, how I've missed you

I must say basketball is my favorite sport. I absolutely love the feeling of running down the court after a great play I made or an awesome shot I took. I love having the crowd watch my team. Anything you do, they see. Which is both scary and nerve-wrecking but at the same time exciting and thrilling. Well anyway, basketball started today! The next three months will be crazy with practices and games. I can't wait to see what this season will bring.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Princess in Disguise

Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE princesses. My sister and I have always watched princess movies. We were, and still are obsessed with them. :) I love the stories and the movies! I watch and re-watch the movies all the time. My favorite princess as a little girl was Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty, because they had blonde hair and blue eyes as I do. But now I just love them all. It's funny because they seem so special to me because they played an important part in my childhood. I guess it'll always be like that for me. Here are "my" princesses;

Sleeping Beauty and Prince Philip
Snow White
Jasmine and Aladdin
Ariel and Eric

Belle and the Beast

Pocahontas and John Smith

Mulan and Shang
Meg and Hercules
Rapunzel and Flynn Rider (Eugene Fitzherbert)

Tiana and Prince Naveen

 I also know that every girl is a princess. We are all daughters of a Heavenly King and He loves us and that's what makes us so special. We will all meet a perfect prince and we can live Happily Ever After with him, and well until then. . . we must be patient and prepare to be the wife and mother that our husband would want and deserve. We are beautiful and we all deserve a great Prince and "Someday our Prince will come. . ." (Snow White)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

why now?

I always wanted to have a blog where I could just write about anything. I love reading my sister's blog and all these other great posts. And actually, I become really jealous! haha I want a blog too! So here it is. :) I probably won't have time to write every day or even every other day but I'll try to write as often as I can. WARNING: this blog may contain my feelings about any given topic. 
(: So this first post is about my title, "happy as the sun." My friend showed me this song, happy as the sun by Tyrone Wells, and well...I love it! :) listen to it! it just makes you so relaxed!
I love Tyrone Wells! his voice is soo relaxing! He just makes me happy! :) I also love this album cover of his. "Metal & Wood" I think it's so unique and it really makes me think how the world has changed. The drawing on the album actually really inspires me. But that's just me. Let me know how you feel about it! That's all for now!