Tuesday, November 6, 2012

the one about a beau désordre

beau désordre. beautiful disorder
i learned this phrase in art history.
i thought about it a lot since then.
we used it in a sense where the surroundings in the portrait were a mess
the artist thought, "what is so beautiful about order and uniformity?"
life isn't like that and people aren't like that
life isn't completely organized. nor should it be.
we aren't perfect by any means, we have flaws,
but isn't that what makes us who we are?
another thought entered my mind.
last week while in a public restroom
i heard a girl walk in,
she then proceeded in an act that made my eyes fill with tears
she gagged herself and threw up
i was stunned.
i hurt for her, why would anyone deliberately want to do that?
i so badly wanted to run out and talk to her! help her.
tell her how beautiful she was and how she didn't have to do this daily.
i wanted to tell her that her Heavenly Father loved her just the way she was.
she didn't have to change one thing.
sadly she left as soon as she was done

i thought of how lucky i was that i was taught at a young age of my importance to our Savior
and how Heavenly Father made me and loved me for me.
i thought about the constant lessons of individual worth in young womens
how very blessed i am to know that.
of course i have flaws. of course i whine about my imperfections
but deep down i know i wouldn't change a thing because this is how He made me.
and He did it for a reason
as i began writing this post i couldn't help but notice the lyrics to the song that happened to be on shuffle on my computer.

The photos in the magazines
Don't dictate who I'm supposed to be
The world can't recognize, all that I am inside
But I know in His eyes, I am a part of, the bigger picture,
There's so much more to me
He helps me see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am,
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter.
The people on the TV screen,
The leaders, rulers, and queens
I watch them shape the world,
And though I'm just a girl, I still know for sure,
That I am a part of, the bigger picture
And when I'm feeling small,
And wondering if I'll ever, find courage to stand tall
Through His love I remember
There's so much more to me
He helps me to see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter

don't change yourself because of society's warped definition of the word beautiful,
next time you think of beautiful things, don't forget to count yourself.
Operation Beautiful

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

the one about prayer

today has been stressful, and it's only noon.
let me start my story by explaining my art history class!
(i can vision all of your faces just light up about that!)
but really, its boring. very very boring and when its not boring its awkward
it is my biggest lecture this semester 200+ people or so (big for me at least!)
art history. thats exactly it. we analyze old famous art and compare and contrast with other old art
in a way it is interesting...sometimes, but for this post im exaggerating how much i dislike it.
its difficult memorizing names like Jacopo Pontormo, Artemisia Gentileschi, and Pietro da Cortona and their works when half of them are emulated of each other and you honestly don't care about the subject.
so i have a rough time paying attention and studying
another key factor in this story is because its such a huge lecture, we dont have homework, which is great! and not so great. we have 3 exams. 3 scores for the semester. each 1/3 of your final grade
now if you were a genius and aced each test, this is your class! but for us mere mortals, this is a big deal, means you HAVE to do well, or else your final grade sucks. you miss an exam? 0.
so exam #2 was today.
ill be honest, i always wait till the last day, so you can imagine i was up late last night,
still didnt feel comfortable with the information so i skipped my first class to study, 
was feeling pretty good about it so i started getting ready for class, 
when i dress up and actually spend time getting ready i feel more confident so i did just that
most of my classes start within a half hour, ex. 8:30, 9:30 10:30....
not this one! starts at 11! but for some stupid stupid reason that slips my mind and i continue getting ready as if it was any other morning, be ready to leave by __:05
i check my phone. 10:56. pretty proud of myself have a few minute left.
hits me like a ton of bricks, literally. i was dumbfounded and speechless.
10:57 i make myself move, and quickly! i literally have 3 minutes to make it downtown lincoln, park, run to class, get organized, and review. which usually takes me 20 minutes. throwing on clothes and almost in tears i race out the door,
driving like a maniac (a very safe and aware maniac if youre reading this mom/dad ;) ), 
all i can do is pray.
prayed the whole way, i cant say it was a very thoughtful prayer, more a plead for help.
i prayed for safety while driving like this
for there to be no cops on the highway for just this once
for the lights to be in my favor
for my teacher's heart to be softened 
for me to make it in to the room before the exam starts
for me to remember and apply the things ive studied for
and more.
repeat. rephrase. repeat. 
as i'm driving i see the only cop on this highway pulling another car over. (sorry to that poor fellow, didnt mean to get you pulled over!) 
i get to the stop light. green. turn. next stoplight. green. drive and miraculously another green.
i park, sprint to class and walk in. 11:09 pretty unbelievable.
everyone else has their exams. i walk to the front and the professor acknowledges my tardiness, hesitates for a second, walks to an empty seat and sets the exam on the desk. i thank her graciously and sit down, no time to fill out my personal information,
she immediately announces the slides for the exams will begin now.
(being an art history exam the slides show the pieces of artwork in which questions apply to, if you dont see the slides, there is no possible way of answering 90% of the exam)
i answer the questions and amazingly, i know every slide. after the slides 10 more questions without them. a little more difficult but went well. after i finish the personal information and hand in my exam i walk out the door in astonishment.
 and again i pray.
i thank my Heavenly Father for all he has done for me, even though it means so little in life if you think about it. 
i'm so blessed to have a relationship with my Father in Heaven and to know that if i rely on Him, He will always come through for me. 
the power of prayer is truly a miraculous thing. ♥

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

the one where i just ramble on

i feel the need to write a  post today
im terribly sorry but there is nothing great going on in my life that i have to write about
i could talk about how i hate going to class, doing homework, studying, thinking about studying, writing essays, thinking about writing my essays, and anything else that isn't sleeping, eating, having fun, and/or husker football.
i could write about how after my morning class i have approximately 40 minutes to kill until my next one. most people would like this, and i do. buuuuut my first class is on one side of campus and the only places to "chill" "hang-out" or wait for a class are 1. the student union or 2. the institute building, which are both on the complete opposite side of campus. my second class is smack dab in between the two locations. i'd hate walking back and forth because that takes time and in that 40 minutes id rather being doing something else besides retracing my path. so instead i hide. yup i hide away in a bathroom stall. you may find this odd. and it is. or is it?? i simply walk to the bathroom after class #1 go to the last stall, the handicapped one, and lock that little flimsy lock. (that has came undone a few times which is embarrassing.) i choose the last stall not only because its big and i dont feel suffocated but because when someone walks in to use the bathroom, they always look through those little cracks between the doors to see which ones are taken, we're all guilty of it and sadly sometimes see things we dont care to share with others. but if you take the last stall they almost always find an empty stall before they even reach your side of the bathroom! i truly amaze myself with my thinking. so i sit here do my "business" check my facebook, twitter, email, pinterest, or anything else that i can check, (is it weird that i do this on the toilet? yes? eh, whatever. so im weird) than i casually leave (dont forget to wash your hands you nasties!) as if i was not there for any longer than a minute. I get to class a little early and no one knows the difference!
well my time is up for today. this was fun. let's do it again sometime.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the one about our stupid decision

we, as in my sister and roommate,
did something stupid
but awesome.
once upon a time, my dearest friend and roommate,
Sam mentioned how she has never had a pet before.
so we did what any friend/roommate would do
we took her to petco and petsmart to let her hold
hamsters, they were only $15 dollars!
so we wanted to get one!
but then we saw a chinchilla!
and you would not believe how stinkin' cute they are!!
so we bought it 
but she was so fluffy and pouncin around and sooooo soft
but expensive...
we had a life full of dreams and hopes those 4 days we had her,
then we took her back so we could get all our money back,
but i'll never forget her little fluffy tail and that whimper

chinchillin' :)

lesson learned: don't impulse buy when it comes to chinchillas

Friday, September 14, 2012

the one when i'm a hopeless romantic

i'm a fool for fairytales.
i adore happy endings.
romance movies are the very best,
they give you that little heartache,
ohh, to die for...
this week i've been moping around a lot
and to fill the time i've been watching romance movies
i think sleepless in seattle is a new favorite of mine,
pride and prejudice i literally want to jump up and down
and squeal (weird word kinda) with happiness every time i watch it!
ahh...mr. darcy
what i wouldn't do to have a mr. darcy is beyond me!!
every time i hear words flow out of his attractive mouth in that low voice,
i die. or at least my heart stops momentarily...
"you have bewitched me, body and soul, and i love, i love, i love you...i never wish to be parted from you from this day on."
please someone!! where can i get me one of those??? (and by those i mean him)
all male applicants who would agree to become my mr. darcy please sign here.


i'm a firm believer of "everything happens for a reason."
but sometimes, i just want things to work out my way not the way it should be.
but...things will work out. i know that. just the way they're meant to
the longer you wait for something, the more you'll appreciate it when you get it,
cause anything worth having, is definitely worth waiting for.
we tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have,
but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we already have.

Monday, August 27, 2012

the one about standing firm

i've been thinking a lot about this topic so here it is. i'm all for people having their own opinions, in fact i try to always allow myself time to consider all the possible outcomes and i try to make my own opinion of certain situations. i hate having someone else's to rely on. i want to know for myself. but something has gone terribly wrong if you or someone else has made their personal opinion, and is penalized for having that belief. leave them be. discussion is good, yes! but blowing up over the situation, is just pure selfishness and immaturity. everyone has been taught at a young age, stand up for what you believe. how can we/they do this when they get judged and bashed and ridiculed for it? if you don't agree, that's ok! life will go on. why throw temper-tantrums and make a scene when someone is just doing what they believe is right? people have little respect these days for each other, and because of that they believe they can do anything they want "it's their right" no, it's not. human decency is and will always be important. why wouldn't it?? everyone will disagree in some situations, that's good, that's how it should be. it helps people think and ponder about other options and ideas. but when someone doesn't think exactly how you do, and you treat them and their idea with disrespect, you and only you are in the wrong if you don't. i've always really looked up to people who knew what they believed and stood up for that belief. not thinking they were better than anyone else, and not thinking their opinion was better, just different. like i've said, i've been thinking a lot about this subject and i've come to the conclusion, we're all going to have different ideas and opinions in some areas, when you come to someone who does disagree with yours, you treat them with the upmost respect as they should to you. consider possibilities. don't be hypocritical. don't falter and waver. be strong. and please, always stand up for what you believe, no matter what the consequence may be.

"May we ever be courageous and prepared to stand for what we believe, and if we must stand alone in the process, may we do so courageously..."

Sunday, August 19, 2012

the one where i moved

it's true, i moved. i moved to college. apparently i'm a big girl now and have to go out and get a higher education and what not. juuuust kidding! it's all cool! so, like i've said before I am attending University of Nebraska-Lincoln (woot woot!) you may know us, the sea of red?

ya not gonna lie, it's pretty awesome being apart of that. we're known for our amazing crowd and all our dedicated fans. i love it. so anyway, we, and by we i mean my sister and i, moved in thursday afternoon. so it's about a three hour drive and we both had to bring our cars down, we didn't want to be on the phone the whole time with each other, yet we wanted to talk. soooooooo we brought walkie talkies! you know those things we all used in the 90's and early 2000s haha it was a blast. we just caravanned our way to Lincoln chatting it up through our little walkie talkies! so far it's great here. i love having my own place with sierra, we can be ourselves and not worry about having to impress another roommate or something. we're just on the edge of the city so it's pretty quiet still. we have free time (at least at the moment we do) to go to antique stores and asian markets and other random stuff. i've been driving a lot trying to prepare myself to drive alone in Lincoln, which i am not used to at all! although i'm loving it here so far, it was hard saying goodbye. i know my family will always be there for me, but it's sad knowing that, for now on, it's never gonna be the same as it was. i guess it's all a part of growing up but it's a little frightening as well as exciting. my best friends were hard to say goodbye to. it's gonna be different not being able to see them and laugh and cry and vent or anything else we decide to do...i'm a little worried it'll be hard to make close friendships here, and that's what i want above anything else i think. i'm gonna miss my little cousin, watching here cry as i left and hearing her beg for me to ask my "boss" if i could just not go to college was heartbreaking. i'm gonna miss that old town, being able to see all the stars at night, seeing the fields, watching the windmills, climbing 2 sets of stairs just to get to my room, gonna miss the old familiar faces around my small town. most of all i'll miss the simple things. i'm nervous and scared for what this school year will hold and yet, i'm so excited to start this new chapter in my life!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

the one about my beautiful family

so we took family pictures the other day! they turned out awesome. we just used my camera, a rebel t3, and my sister's boyfriend took them and afterwards we edited them. i'm in shock of families who aren't close to one another. that would kill me. my siblings are my best friends. my parents are my role models and my strengths. they are so inspiring! i love it. i'm so blessed. i can't stress that enough! how lucky i am to have such an amazing strength in my life. my parents taught us at a young age how important our relationship with each other would be. at first we didn't understand, "our siblings would be our best friends" 5+ years ago i could've swore my siblings were my siblings, not my closest friends. but they truly are now. we enjoy being with each other, we help each other, we give each other advice, and we tease each other. we have a great time. ok so my sister is an awesome writer (her blog is here), journalism is her major and she writes for a local newspaper. because she can word things so much better than i can i just chose to pull a clipping of an article she wrote and let her explain this topic a little better. so give it a read.
p.s. i am the little sister she is referring to :)

". . .These parents knew the importance of family, the importance of sibling unity. One wouldn’t think that sharing a room would make a big difference but, I guarantee, it does.
Before I moved into my first apartment, I’d never once had my own room. I’d never even had my own bed. For as long as I can remember I have shared one with my younger sister and I have loved it. Allow me to correct that. I have usually loved it but, being human, there were times when I was younger, perhaps in elementary or junior high, when I wanted my own room. There was a point at which I moved down into the basement…for five minutes. Most of the time, however, having my sister as my roommate was wonderful. There is something about whispering late into the night that builds a relationship. There is something about laughing and crying and supporting one another in the loneliest hours that creates a dimension, an added love for that person. There’s something about learning to share everything that you own whether you want to or not. Something about learning how to be less spiteful and more forgiving. Something about learning to compromise in order to improve your living situation that forces you to grow as a person. There’s something about having less that somehow offers more.
In a world where most have their own bedroom, their own bathroom, their own computer, it’s refreshing to share. It’s gratifying to have a friendship that has been built, not on gossip or even slumber parties, but on learning to live with one another and learning to love it.
That’s why, now that we are both going to college and have the chance to live apart, we are choosing to live together. We are, once again, sharing a bedroom. Not because we have to but because we want to, because we missed it.  
Those young parents have something figured out, something that my own parents figured out long ago.  Sharing a room is going to build that sisterhood in a way nothing else ever could. Having too many children in a house far too small for everyone to have their own bedroom or bathroom, well that was perhaps one of the greatest things that my parents ever did for me." 

and now a couple of the pictures to top it off. :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

the one about Girls Camp

so last week i went to Girls Camp.
and i love girls camp. it's probably my favorite camp ever.
it's not only fun but it's also so very spiritual. 
this year i was a camp leader because i was too old to be a YCL,
luckily my mom is 1st councilor in the Stake Young Womens Program so i easily was able to go.
I was so grateful to be over the 1st years, 
they are all so loving and it's just great to hear their growing young testimonies 
something you should know, I'm kinda a touchy-feely-kind-of-person 
so as we were walking back to camp, i was walking next to a girl who had scoliosis
i gently just reached over and grabbed her hand and kept walking, 
i never would have known how much that had meant to her 
but during testimony meeting she said at that moment she was feeling very homesick 
and almsot in tears, but when i held her hand i made her think of her mother and she felt at home
she made me cry.
anyway, camp was awesome and that's why i didn't write at all so forgive me 
but Girls Camp was definitely worth it.
i'm so blessed

Friday, July 27, 2012

the one where i tell you about the good life

if you didn't know, i'm from the good ol' state of Nebraska
now us Nebraskans, we pride ourselves in a few things. one being our sweet corn
sweet corn is only good for a few weeks out of the summer, and so most Nebraskans, we have a special day designated for our corn. now it's a different day for each family but it's almost always called
corn day. 
corn day is one of the worst days out of the summer, it's the day where you wake up early head out to the field with your five-gallon buckets, go through the rows and pick sweet corn. you load it up in usually the bed of a pick-up truck. now for my family, there's seven of us so our truck is usually close to overflowing. you ride back home piled on top of your reaping. the next few hours you spend shucking and shucking and again, shucking, or husking if you prefer, which is how we got the name huskers obviously. then you boil and cool the corn, clean off any silks that may still be on it, then finally cut. cut the corn of the cob. this is the messiest job. every year you will get covered in corn, it squirts and is sticky and it sucks. and the next year you vow to stay clean but you always fail. after cutting the corn you bag and freeze it so you may eat it's deliciousness all year round! then comes the clean-up. it's a long process, usually an 8 hr day at least and a messy one at that but it's a blessing coming from such a  beautiful land and having delicious sweet corn. it really is the good life

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the one where i tell you about my vacation

so this past week i've been on vacation with my amazing family! it was probably thee greatest family vacation thus far! We definitely had some rough patches, but it was all worth it. It started out Thursday at a family reunion on my mom's side. We watched movies on a screen under the stars, rode horses, went to a water-park, went to a melodrama (so much fun! a skit where the audience boos the villains, cheers for the heroes and watches the cast fight for the money that is thrown on stage!), and got to see long lost relatives. Saturday morning we left for Kirtland Ohio, where we would meet up with a family that we're all very close to. The drive from Omaha, NE to Kirtland was excruciating! Took us all day. along the way we stopped at Iowa; where we decided the strangest people in all America were located. [i won't even mention the neon green hair, flapping pant legs, and lady with a fake tail! no offense to those from Iowa, i'm sure it was just a bad day. (let's hope)] we then soon realized we had forgotten our passports which we obviously needed for our trip to Canada. everyone was pretty bummed out including myself! but none of us could stay sad for too long. my dearest mother felt so bad, as if she had ruined our whole trip. We then proceeded to get lost and somehow ended up in Michigan. although the state was beautiful and far better than the interstate, it was not on the way by any means. at last we made it to only our second stop of our long trip. the next day we attended church in Hirum and then visited the Johnson Farm where Joseph Smith stayed for sometime, receiving much of the Doctrine and Covenants. I had no idea how much had taken place there. We took many tours there and got to see the first temple built by the Latter-Day Saints. The following day we drove a few hours to Niagara Falls. Because we had forgotten the passports we were afraid that we wouldn't have such a great time, but we were wrong! it was great, we took the maid of the mist out to the falls, saw the whirlpools, got to stand under the falls, walk through the cave of the winds, and luckily, see the lights at night. so beautiful. After our adventure there we drove to Palmyra, NY. We went to Joseph Smith's log cabin and other buildings. We each had the amazing experience to walk through the Sacred Grove. What an incredible testimony builder it was to actually be able to pray to our Father in Heaven near the very place where he appeared to fourteen year old Joseph. It was beyond incredible. We then had a temple session, climbed Hill Cumorah; where the plates were buried, went to the printing shop; where the first Book of MOrmon was published, visited Alvin Smith's grave, saw where Martin Harris' farm was, ate some great pizza, and waited for the Hill Cumorah Pageant.The Pageant was amazing!! i can't even put into words how strong the spirit was throughout the show. I loved every second of it and i couldn't stop snapping pictures. The following morning we said goodbye to the family who had been with us and went on our way to the Peter Whitmer Farm where the church was first organized. We then headed off towards Nauvoo, IL where the Nauvoo Pageant was still taking place. we loved the HIll Cumorah one so much we decided to stop through and watch this one. although it was a long drive, it was definitely worth it. again the pageant was so spiritual and just amazing all the way around. we finally got home the next day after a week and a half. the vacation had it's ups and downs for sure! but i couldn't have been on a more inspirational, spiritual, and uplifting trip as the one i just returned home from. I'm so glad i know the things i've been taught and i'm so very blessed for not only this great Gospel in my life but for my amazing family who believes and understands how very blessed we are to have it.

The Girls on the trip

Kirtland Temple

The Lights at Niagara Falls

The Falls

Characters from the Hill Cumorah Pageant

again, a little blurry

Opening scene from Hill Cumorah Pageant

Opening scene from Nauvoo Pageant

Saturday, July 21, 2012

the one when i become a designer

so i have this shirt, and i love it.
it's comfy and cute and you can wear it on fat days or skinny days
but....i bought it in the wrong size. and i couldn't take it back!
so i've been struggling trying to figure out how to wear this when it's too baggy!
not the good too baggy, like "oh look at her she can pull off the hipster look!"
i mean the "jeesh! she must've gained weight! looks like she swallowed a mattress!"
yes i'm afraid that's the baggy we're talking about.
so then i suddenly had a genius idea!
i cut it up!
in a good way. and now it looks pretty normal!
ta duh!!
brilliant i know!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

the one i loved and stole from someone else

Life is to short to waste time hating anyone.
If you don't like something change it, if you can't change it, change your attitude.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
Cry with someone. It's more healing that way.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Everything can change in the blink of an eye.
Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living and make something of it.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
Burn the candles, use the nice sheets and take long bubble baths with soothing music.
Overprepare, then go with the flow.

No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

Always choose life.

Forgive everyone for everything.

What other people think of you is none of your business.

Time heals almost everything.
However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

Believe in miracles.
God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

The best is yet to come.
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift...

Monday, July 16, 2012

the one where I'm inspirational

sometimes the best thing you can do is
not think, not wonder,
not imagine, not obsess,
just breathe, and have faith that
everything will work out for the best
♥ ♥ 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

the one where i ponder about life

A lot has happened lately that has just opened my eyes to how simple and yet fragile this life truly is. Tuesday morning i attended a funeral. A friend's ten year old little brother was killed in a car accident just last week. Although i didn't know this boy well the few times i've been with him he was always giggling and shyly whispering into the ears of his siblings making them laugh. At the funeral I really learned what a great kid he was and how he was always trying to uplift others. I can't even comprehend the strength the family has to be able to go on with a smile on their face and at least know that they will see him again. I have a strong testimony of the Plan of Salvation, but i can't say it really has ever been tested and i hope and pray it doesn't have to be. But really, the only family members i've lost were grandparents and although it's sad, it's life and it makes sense. But to have someone so young that has barely lived? It doesn't seem fair and i think that's truly when someone's faith would be tried. I'm so very blessed to be able to understand and know my Heavenly Father's plan for us. What a comfort it has been, and will be, to be sure of seeing my loved ones again. I can't help but thinking how blessed I am to be so close with my siblings and parents. What a strength they have been in my weakest moments. They are honestly and without a doubt my closest companions and greatest friends. To know they will always stand up for me and be there for me is so gratifying. Life is very delicate and i think it's so important to know what things in life will make you the happiest and the best person you can be. As much as i love sports, materialistic things and such, are they truly what we should focus this life on? This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. That doesn't mean "YOLO, be crazy have fun, go wild!" it means in the long run, what makes you happy, do that. And if you realize you don't like something...then change it. Make it better because you can and don't be afraid to. You have the ability to do that.If you don't have enough time for the important moments in life then get off the computer, iPod, or phone and change that too. Don't overanalyze life, all emotions are great and every incident will be worth it, even those beautiful disasters and those perfect flaws. it's ok to be lost at times, that's what will help you find yourself. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things. And people, we are and will be united with our differences! And although i've only lived for 18 years, i feel as if i've been blessed to know what, undoubtedly, the greatest things in life really are.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the one where i change the style again

hey remember that one time i changed the style of my blog?
well guess what?
i did that again.
woah, surprise! 
how do you like it, have any suggestions?
let me know!

Monday, July 9, 2012

the one where i steal blog titles from a friend-and apologize

WEll....i think i will apologize for not writing for months! but we all know we're busy and it happens.. senior year was crazy but wonderful but I'm glad I'm done! In March i surprised my amazing sister who was nannying for my cousin in AZ, it was great and my first time flying! in April i had my senior prom and it was amazing! couldn't have asked for a better way to end! in May i graduated and i can honestly tell you, i hate preparing for graduation and the reception! it sucks.
hmmm what else has happened?
~Sierra came back home finally
~fell in love with my best friend--He was a foreign exchange student, sexy accent? yes please :)
~cried a ton when he left!
~my best friend from Germany came and visited--had a blast!
~bought a macbook pro!
~went to Youth Conference
~registered for my classes at UNL
~finalized our apartment
oh and leaving for our family vacation in 3 days!
we will be going to Kirtland, OH Palmyra, NY and  Niagara Falls in Canada! we're all stokednow enjoy pictures from the last few months.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Another reason i haven't been blogging much lately is because it's finally spring!
it's so gorgeous outside i can't stand being cooped up all day!
the weather is so beautiful and i LOVE it!!

and imagine, this is all right outside in my yard! beautiful!