one of the greatest blessings in my life is my incredible sister. i have looked up to, and modeled my life after hers for as long as i can remember. she is humble, intelligent, kind, beautiful, trustworthy, wise, confident, determined, adventurous, compassionate, patient, hard-working, loyal and valiant. she's been so inspiring to so many people, and once again she sets the example of getting married in the beautiful LDS temple in Manti. Seth is an amazing young man that has always loved and protected her. he's determined, loyal, hard-working, anchored, and is always willing to serve the Lord. he'll make a great husband and father and i'm so excited to be able to call him my brother.
and now for the moment you all have been waiting for,
here is their story:
so once upon a time Seth saw Sierra at youth conference
(a church camp) when he was 14, and he was all like,
and so he was pretty much smitten by her awesomeness.
so he probably stalked her for the next two years,
that part is unclear, but when they were 16 they officially met at youth conference.
Seth was all like,
but Sierra was like,
just kidding!
so they started talking and he asked her to his junior prom and she accepted.
they had a great time. Seth wanted to date her right then and there,
but Sierra wanted to make sure he was boyfriend material.
so she actually rejected him a few times first.
but the next year they went to youth conference again and
sierra saw that he was very compassionate and that he was kinda a hero at trek.
so she finally realized what a catch he was.
oh silly me,
Seth is a cowboy.
so then Sierra was all like,
"ask me to be your girlfriend again!"
or something like that.
so he asked and she was like,
and Seth was like, "here comes the smolder."
so they dated for a couple years, and they were a super cute couple.

then Seth prepared to leave for his mission for our church.
so they had to say goodbye for two years.
once he left, Sierra was devastated for months and months.
they decided it was best to just move on.
the 2 years soon passed and Seth was coming home.
lucky for her i was there telling her to go meet him.
so she arrived at the church after he had just flown home from Argentina.
and she was all like,
and it was awkward for both of them
and Kaitlyn, (seth's little sister) and i were all like,
so they didn't just fall back into place.
but Seth felt that he needed to see where things went with her so
he started making an effort again.
and Sierra was like,
and things started working out, especially after we moved
back home for the summer.
we were able to see the Ramsays once a week.
and things were working out between them,
and Sierra remembered how she had felt when she was with him
but Sierra was planning on going on a mission.
her papers were finished, but Seth wanted her to make sure that
was the correct decision for her, he asked her to pray more whether
she should go on a mission or get married.
and Sierra was like,
but after praying a lot about the situation, Sierra was amazed at her answer.
she had been reassured that this relationship was something she needed.
they had both had grown so much and were both so in love.
they both had received answers that this relationship was something Heavenly Father
was pleased with and that they should get married.
so one weekend we were in the Sandhills Seth asked my father permission
to marry my amazing sister, and us siblings sat and watched through the window
of course my dad said yes,
and Chip (seth's dad) was all like,
so after 4 years, Sierra returned to youth conference as the photographer,
Seth had surprised her at the scene where she first decided he was the one.
he proposed
and of course she said yes!
i know right?!
so some people were like,
and others like,
but most were like,
and Kaitlyn was like,
and Sierra got home and was like, "im getting married!"
and i was like,
just kidding! i was so happy for her! and i will look like Gus Gus at their wedding.
but i was also like, my best friend/sister/roomie is leaving me.
and i was just like,
dont worry i'll figure out how to fend for myself.
but really i'm so excited for her and Seth to make this journey together.
But just know,
for you Sierra. I love you and you're my person.
So once again congratulations to the happy couple!
Love you both a ton!