1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
My grandma gave me the nickname 'sasafras' and now my whole
family calls me that.
2. What's a weird habit of yours? Sometimes when I'm bored I pick mascara off my eyelashes.
So weird! I know.
3. Do you have any weird phobias?
Any parasites just creep me out!
4. What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you're alone?
Any songs from Disney, Wicked, or Moulin Rouge I love singing along too
5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
When someone has a cell phone but yet they don't answer it when you call or text!!!
6. What's one of your nervous habits?
I pick at my nails.
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
When I shared a room/bed with my sister it was always the right side of the bed.
When she left I spread out and took up the whole thing. Whenever
she's visiting I sleep on the left now though.
8. What was your first stuffed animal & it's name?
I think it was a monkey, I'm not sure what I named it. I always called it Magic Monkey. haha
9. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at starbucks?
I have honestly never been to Starbucks.
10. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice?
Don't pick/chew your nails
11. Which way do you face in the shower?
I face to the North side of ours. My back towards the water.
12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
I'm double jointed in a few fingers. And I broke my pinky and never got it
taken care of so I can do some crazy things with it.
13. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food that's 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
When I was younger I was helping my mom cook something and it called for brown sugar and melted butter. Well I remember tasting it and now secretly I'll melt some brown sugar and butter in a bowl and just eat it.
14. What's a phrase or word you always say?
Lately I have been using the word 'fool' a lot. It's just kinda a funny word. haha
15. Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing?
Depends on how hot or cold it is in my room. My room is the whole attic and in the winter I'll wear a t-shirt and sweats. In the summer It gets so hot up there usually just a baggy t shirt.
I've never had drugs so I don't know the high or adrenaline rush that people may get from it. The only way I can relate to drugs is the one thing that makes me crazy. I mean, I literally go crazy when I have this. This goes by the name of Sunny D. No other substance has had such an influence over me, but Sunny D, it changes me. I loose control when I drink from the wonderful sweet goodness. I bounce off the walls and sing at the top of my lungs. My eyes become the size of melons and I can't stop myself. No one can help me, I just get on a high. Everything makes me laugh or smile. I laugh for the longest time at the stupidest things, and yet, I can't stop. My friends never let me have Sunny D. But last night, I bought some without them knowing. . .oh the bus ride home was fun. I surprised so many people by my drug. The tangy orange drink once again worked it's magic upon me and I lost control.
I remember the first time I had a drink of the wonderful stuff. It was my freshman year, maybe my sophomore year, and I got it out of the snack machine. Everyone was so astonished that I had never had Sunny D before. They all encouraged me to try it. After that 16 oz. of sunshine in a bottle was gone I lost it. We were in math class and I had been laughing nonstop at nothing for over 20 minutes. I'm not sure what the strange mixture of orange juice does to me but I do know that my math teacher was not very happy, I was excused from the room for disrupting the class. If only she knew that I had no power, Sunny D had taken over me.
Since that situation my friends have always stayed on their guard. Any Sunny D around they refuse to let me taste it.
Sunny D is my drug.
the period I do absolutely nothing in almost every day.
There is usually only four of us in there:
Mrs. C-our awesome librarian who I vent to each day and who cracks jokes with me
Nicci-our hilarious cook who comes up to the library to hang out the last period of the day
Alex-a boy in my class who is not only a genius but who has almost any electronic toy you can imagine
and me.
some days my best friend Taylor joins us.
Well us four (sometimes five) have many, many, adventures and stories
every day we end the school day laughing hysterically.
more stories of 8th hour period to come.
Today Taylor and I spent the whole hour watching youtube tutorials
on you to french braid our bangs back.
This at first was a big fail.
than we began to succeed!
we're not perfect but. . . a work in progress
Taylor practiced on my hair which is fairly long, it had been in a bun all day since it was a tad bit frizzy this morning. When I took it out to let her practice I was swallowed up by the ginormous monster that had replaced the strands I once called hair. It was digustingly frizzy and poofy and I look about like this.
but about 10X longer than that!
I'm pretty sure It looked like nasty dreadlocks.
this is true.
I'm afraid my dear friend Taylor was disgusted also. ( oh well what are friends for )
Trying to hide the mess from any onlookers was a difficult job.
Hiding it for basketball practice was also a trick.
I failed miserably.
Also I came across this extraordinary video
for all the boys out there,
this is a good tip.
I recommend this to all in fact.
as I read this I couldn't help but think;
what a strange looking man
he is giving advice to men about women!?
if a guy added me on facebook with a gaze I'd call security
. . .is one of those nights that I just feel like crying. So much is changing around me and honestly, it makes me wanna break down into my pillow sobbing.
I know time will help but it's hard to look past the pain right now. It will only get better though.
I'll try to be strong.
On a happier note we had an awesome basketball game. We won 60-40 and I scored 25 points. That. is. what. is. keeping. me. happy.
I love basketball.
the end
p.s. comments and likes would definitely help the mood ;)
so would. . .
I'm sitting in class. . .and it's boring.
It's pretty much blizzard-ing outside, so I think we shoulda got out early but apparently Mr U (our principal, yes two teachers and I gave him that nickname) doesn't think so...
So my awesomespice teacher, Ms. O, who watches us (3 students) for the first 3 hours of school (the 3 of us take college classes through a system called the codec, so the teacher is from a different school and we connect over a t.v. looking thing, she watches us and runs errands and that kinda stuff), she randomly was just like
"Hmm. . .this snow makes me want hot chocolate. Let's get some!"
So we devised a plan and ran throughout the school building finding mugs and heating water to go with the hot chocolate packs she found. And so. . .we drank hot chocolate in my college English class. I bet the other schools were jealous.
I'm super stoked for Christmas break! sitting around in my pajamas sipping hot chocolate with my sister and blogging sounds perfect to me!
Only 9 1/4 school days left and counting!
On a good note, we had the first snowfall of the year yesterday. The snow was magical. It fell so perfectly and covered the roads, tree tops, houses, and pastures like a thick white blanket. I love freshly fallen snow. It just automatically brings happiness all around. And I love seeing the tree branches white with ice and wind blown snow.
This week has been difficult. As you may see from only two posts.
I have never felt so lost. I know who and what I need in life. . .the way to get it is the hard part. I know the Lord will bless me and will help me through everything. Only He knows what is in store for me. I will place my trust in him and hopefully I will be strengthened and guided in the right direction.
As for Sunday's picture mass I only have one. This picture has made me think a lot the last few days. I hope it gives you as much counsel as it has given me.
I am a husker fan. Always have been. Always will. Today I went to the last home football game of the year. Nebraska fans are amazing. We are very passionate about our team whether they are going strong or fading slowly. True till the end. Today was the 318th consecutive sellout, which started in 1962! Memorial Stadium is truly called the "Sea of Red". Let me explain myself.
Feast your eyes upon Husker Nation.
I'm so proud to be a Husker. I'm so excited to start college at UNL next year (at least that's where I think I'm going but that's a different story.)
P.S. a little fun fact: During a Husker football game Memorial Stadium actually becomes the 3rd largest "city" in Nebraska behind Omaha and Lincoln itself!
And because of that I am so Thankful.
Who do I appreciate?
My amazing family! They mean so much to me and I wouldn't be who I am today without their constant love and guidance.
How am I fortunate?
I'm so fortunate to be born in to the Gospel. It has changed my life in so many ways. If I wouldn't have grown up living it, I don't know how I would be or act.
What material possessions am I thankful for?
My phone, my ipod, my computer (internet), my scriptures, my CTR ring, and patriarchal blessing.
What abilities do I have that I'm grateful for?
I'm grateful for my athletic abilities, I don't know what I would do without my sports. I'm thankful for confidence and my common sense (daddy wouldn't think I have any, but I think I do hehe)
What about my surroundings (home/neighborhood/city/etc.) am I thankful for?
I'm so thankful for my small village, population: 340. It's a great town with wonderful people to grow up with. I love it here and so grateful to call it home.
What experiences have I had that I am grateful for?
I don't have any one experience that has changed my life, but every experience happens for a reason. So I'm thankful for every experience that I have gone through. Without each of them I wouldn't be who I am.
What happened today/yesterday/this week/this month/this year that I am grateful for?
I am so grateful for the close relationship I have with my family. Playing games with them and dancing around the house made me realize that yet again. =)
What opportunities do I have that I am thankful for?
I have the opportunity to be involved in many extra-curricular activities at school. I'm involved in volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, track (which I despise), speech, play production, and band. Each provides amazing experiences for me, and I'm thankful I can be apart of them.
What have others in my life done that I am thankful for?
I'm so thankful for every person who has played a part in my life. Whether it was teaching me, helping me, or loving me, they have made a huge impact on me.
What have others done that I am benefiting from in my life (even if I don't know who those people are)?
I can't think of anyone better than Joseph Smith. His faith and courage as a boy restored the true church back to the earth. The word benefiting definitely doesn't describe how much I need the Gospel.
What relationships am I thankful for?
As I said, I'm thankful for my relationship with my family. But I'm equally thankful for my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I'm so blessed to know who I am, where I came from, and where I'm going. I know that I'm his daughter which makes me a princess. And I know that he loves me more than words can describe, and Ilove Him.
What am I taking for granted that, if I stop to think about it, I am grateful for?
I always take for granted the country I live in and the freedoms I have. I don't think many people actually realize how blessed we, as Americans, are here to live in the land of the free and home of the brave.
What is different today than it was a year ago that I'm thankful for?
The year has provided another 365 days of lessons for me to learn from and I'm so thankful for each one of them.
I found these questions and thought it would be fun to fill out on Thanksgiving. It was. =)
At this point in time I should be studying for a calculus test tomorrow. This year, my senior year, I decided to take a college dual-credit calculus course. Which means I get the credit for High School and my grade transfers to which ever college I go to too, so I don't have to take college calculus again! Its hard. Our teacher is a strict strict man. But he's kinda fun too. Anyways....our good ol' teacher is named Bob Lee (Mr. Lee). But do you know what I realized today?? His name is only 1 syllable away from being Bob Marley! Which means he's only a syllable away from being as awesome as Bob Marley! We all know how epic Bob Marley is, and thinking my teacher is that close in ranking of awesomeness, now that's kinda neat/cool/sweet.
Let me refresh your memory on this awesomespice (love BBL's lingo!) dude.
Well...although I really enjoy comparing my college calculus teacher to Bob Marley, I really must study. This was fun though. More next time.
P.S. Outside of the classroom I like saying Mr. Lee's name quickly so it's more like Bobley. Instead of Bob Lee. Which is also almost spelled like Marley.
Wish me luck on this test/long-quiz-like-thing.
I've been thinking about the fact; everything happens for a reason. There isn't one thing that isn't supposed to happen. If it happens, it's meant to be and there is a life lesson to learn from it. Every beautiful surprise and spontaneous mess has a purpose.
This reminds me of my very favorite scripture: D&C 122:5-9
Please Read.
My daddy (yes, I still call him daddy <3) showed me this scripture the night after my baptism when I received my very own scriptures. It's been my favorite scripture ever since. =)
So I came up with an idea. On Sundays I'm going to post some or all of the pictures or videos that made me laugh, smile, or just the ones I liked throughout the week. I also may include a different post. But I think the Sunday's Picture Tradition is a good idea. So I'll start now.
This one made me crack up!!
That's horrible, but oh so funny!
I'm kinda slow so it took me awhile but as soon as I saw it
I was laughing for 5 minutes straight!
This is exactly what my friends say I look like!
Never have I agreed with a Picture more.
That's all for today! Hope they made you smile like they did me! haha!