Monday, December 12, 2011

8th hour

is my study hall period.
my favorite period of the day.
the period I do absolutely nothing in almost every day.
There is usually only four of us in there:
Mrs. C-our awesome librarian who I vent to each day and who cracks jokes with me
Nicci-our hilarious cook who comes up to the library to hang out the last period of the day
Alex-a boy in my class who is not only a genius but who has almost any electronic toy you can imagine
and me.
some days my best friend Taylor joins us.
Well us four (sometimes five) have many, many, adventures and stories
every day we end the school day laughing hysterically.
more stories of 8th hour period to come.

Today Taylor and I spent the whole hour watching youtube tutorials
on you to french braid our bangs back.
This at first was a big fail.
than we began to succeed!
we're not perfect but. . . a work in progress
Taylor practiced on my hair which is fairly long, it had been in a bun all day since it was a tad bit frizzy this morning. When I took it out to let her practice I was swallowed up by the ginormous monster that had replaced the strands I once called hair. It was digustingly frizzy and poofy and I look about like this.

  but about 10X longer than that!
I'm pretty sure It looked like nasty dreadlocks.
this is true.
I'm afraid my dear friend Taylor was disgusted also. ( oh well what are friends for )
Trying to hide the mess from any onlookers was a difficult job. 
Hiding it for basketball practice was also a trick.
I failed miserably.

Also I came across this extraordinary video
for all the boys out there,
this is a good tip.
I recommend this to all in fact.

as I read this I couldn't help but think;
what a strange looking man
he is giving advice to men about women!?
if a guy added me on facebook with a gaze I'd call security
facebook doesn't have security to call
ugly man
yuck dumpster juice breath??

please tell me you like it too! hehehehe


  1. It took me awhile to master the french braid the bangs back too!

  2. I know! its hard! haha!
    i can't get your blog to open? :s

  3. Haha that video made me laugh. ridiculous :)

    -Kylee Noelle
