Gospel Study: I love testifying of the blessings from personal study. It is perhaps one of the greatest lessons anyone could learn at EFY, that God answers are questions and can provide revelation and knowledge through taking time to study the scriptures.
Games Night: Although it was a challenge to close my big mouth, I loved prepping for games night because it was amazing seeing how unified it made the companies each week. As they struggled to work together without the counselors help they had to rely on each other. Also games night is just a bunch of games so of course it'll be up there.
Pizza Night: I love pizza night with my girls (sad we don't get one for stay-at-home sessions). It is so fun to get to just talk and get to know the girls on a more personal level and strengthen bonds.
Young Women's Activity: Although I know I'm not qualified to teach the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I loved studying for my girls and focusing on how to help them strengthen their understanding, appreciation, and testimony in and of the Savior. It was always such a powerful experience for me and I'm grateful they trusted me with questions each week. I learned far more from them then I could ever teach!
Testimony Meeting: It's amazing to hear someone who has become so special to you stand and testify of their beliefs. These were sacred moments for me that I will forever remember.
Sharing the Gospel: Because I loved my mission with everything I have, this is one of my favorite moments. We role play gospel related questions in pairs. It made me feel like I was a full-time missionary again!
The EFY Medley: This is always my favorite part to sing with my company each week and look at each of them, with so much love. I cried every time as I thought about the memories we've made throughout the week and how much I'll miss them.
By the end I knew I had gained friends for a lifetime. And although I literally bawled each week saying goodbye, I would do this summer all over again if I could.
To all my youth from Logan2, Logan3, Logan SAH2, Provo10A, and South Jordan SAH, please remember how much you all mean to me. Please remember and apply what the Spirit taught you at EFY 2016. Please know how loved you are by a perfect Father in Heaven. My greatest wish for you all is to cherish and love the Gospel with all your heart. I've said it so many times but it's worth repeating; everything good in my life is because I chose the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is worth it. I cannot wait to hear from each of you and to see how Heavenly Father uses you to bless and strengthen those around you! Love and miss you all so so much!