Monday, August 15, 2016

the one about why I served

Here is just a short little clip for all my wonderful youth at EFY who asked me why I chose to serve a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My number one reason is because I truly felt like it was a divine calling from Heavenly Father. I hadn't always felt like this but it worked up to it. I never ever wanted to serve but with a few personal events and the age change I knew I was suppose to. I prayed but hated the idea of it although I felt the prompting to do it. For months I "wrestled with God" to change my desires and to help me want to serve so that I could follow His will. And you know what? It worked! It was a long and hard process but by the end of it there was nothing that I wanted more than to serve Him. Revelation given to me in my Patriarchal Blessing also helped as it had revealed earlier that I was "expected" to serve. I knew that the Lord wanted me there. I'm so thankful He did. I know I was changed and I am a much better person because of the relationships and experiences I had in Florida. I am so thankful for a perfect Heavenly Father who knows exactly what I need. I know He knows you as well and honestly I would give this advice to everyone,  both girls and boys; prepare for a mission. Boys you are already called for this great work and like me, you are "expected" to serve. Girls prepare as if you were called and then take the time to listen to His voice He will tell you if it is the right thing for you, if it's not don't be sad or embarrassed. He has a great work for each of us in His own way. The blessings belong to all of us who are faithful and who are diligent.
Here is a post all about my experiences and decisions leading up to the mission before I left if you're looking for more! Love you all!
the one all about my mission

1 comment:

  1. My family was blessed to have such an amazing sister missionary.Thanks for the example you are to my girls and to me. Your parents must know that it was worth every sacrifice they made to support you on your misssion. We love you so much.
